Saturday 2 May 2009

Speak Out for African Elephants!

Elephants have always fascinated me
- the gentle sway of their trunks, their gracefulness despite their immense size, their magnificent poise. Poachers have long threatened this beautiful species, but now they're facing threats from global warming, too.
Help protect African elephants
African elephants need grass to survive - grass that grows mainly during the wet seasons. And new research on elephants in Kenya's Samburu and Buffalo Springs national reserves is showing that a global warming-led decrease in the wet season is posing a grave threat to elephant reproduction. We must take heed of conservation biologists' research and address the problems of adequate nutrition before these magnificent creatures are even more endangered.
Take action
Researchers have tracked elephants' diets for six years, and results show that the changing climate in Kenya is leading to less and less grass - food that is vital for their nutrition. And if the female elephants cannot bulk up enough, they cannot manage their 22-month pregnancies and continue the reproductive cycle.
Join me in telling Kenya's Minister of Tourism and Wildlife:
The health and diet of African elephants must be protected!

Thank you,

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