Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Nadine's 18th birthday parties

So my dear daughter has reached the sweet age of 18, although she is still totally a child at heart 😉

The first part was planned on the 23rd by all her friends.  They planned with me to come to our house at midnight and surprise her with balloons, cake and presents...and what a surprise it was!!  It was so cute and thoughtful of them, so thanks to all her friends for making her face light up!  Obrigada Inês, Patricia, Iara, Tiago, Miguel, Bárbara, Andreia, Vitor, Joana C., Joana P., Gonçalo, Mariana, Ricardo e Raquel 💋

https://youtu.be/f1Rj_SJDIjM   and    https://youtu.be/NLDagiCxD9c

Dia 24 a tarde foram todos a praia com as restantes amigas, Carolina, Vitoria e Mariana B. Obrigada meninas por lá estarem também 💋

 A tarde fui com ela e o irmão almoçar ao Emilio Preto Rêgo
  e a noite celebramos cá em casa com um bolo só nos os 4 🙋

Para a restante familia que estava disponivel fizemos mais uma festa no dia 28!  Obrigada a todos que estiveram presentes;  Manny & Catharina, Chico & Teresa e Vera que veio na sua hora de jantar e os que não puderam estar presentes sentimos a vossa falta 😘

Image result for my baby is 18 years old