Pessoal vejam este blog e ajudem!!! Os animais agradecem:)
Este blog é para a nossa Familia e Amigos, acompanham os acontecimentos na nossa vida! This blog is to help our Friends and Family keep track of our lives!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Nadine is home ill

Well, and when I thought life was back to normal.....Nadine has been ill since Friday with fever and a sore throat. She woke up today again sickly and since my Mom is not here, she is with my Dad to see his Doctor in Lisbon, I've had to stay home with her. When hubby gets home after lunch he will take over and I'll go off to work!!! Yeah I know u are all saying what the heck why go, well I don´t like to overdo things I really only miss work when there is no other way:)
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Novas fotos dos filhotes da Mimi e Tobias
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Já Nasceu o filhote da Melissa e Zulu!!
A Melissa foi mãe hoje de madrugada.È uma mãe muito despreocupada ao contrario do pai.O gatinho já mama mas por vezes é lhe dificil encontrar a teta.Ainda é muito cedo para saber se é macho ou femea mas sabemos que é branco e provavelmente vai ser como a mãe.A tia Kyesi é que nem sequer se chega ao pé deles, mas o Zulu esse sim já os foi visitar várias vezes.
Texto: Rafael Lima
Os Nossos amigos de 4 patas

E como a Familia não fica completa, passo a apresentar os nossos amigos de 4 patas:-
Os Persas
-Kyesi (a rainha de casa que é uma Tartaruga/Azul) Vai ser mãe brevemente com o nosso Zulu
-Melissa (a nossa silver-shaded que tambem vai ser mãe em breve com o Zulu)Foi mãe hoje (29/03/08) de 1 lindo gatinho branco
-Zulu (o Rei de casa que vai ser um pai babado!)
Os Outros Gatos
- Madonna (a mais velhinha e Bosque da Noruega)
- Sheena (que era da minha afilhada)
- Tobias (que adoptei bébé e que foi pai recentemente)
- Mimi ( tambem adoptada e mãe recentemente e que brevemente vai ser esterilizada)
A Cadela
- Sabrina (que compramos na feira de Azeitão)
Os Patos
- 2 patos mudos (tambem de Azeitão)
As Tartarugas
- a Rugas e Tugas
Porquinos da India
- Temos 3
A Afilhada
- Bruna (de quem sou Madrinha)
Vejam o "Slide Show para os conhecer a todos!!!
Friday, 28 March 2008

Well let me start off by saying that it was not a good start to a Friday, but let´s see what develops! Nadine woke me up at 3:00 am telling me her head and tummy were very sore and then proceeded to vomite (at least she tried but nothing came ). I was worried due to the fact that she said her head hurt but on further questioning I gathered it was due to her being feeling ill, she said it felt as if the house was spining!! Well I was preparing for another day at home and called my Mom to tell her the kids would stay home with me and that I'd phone my work to let them know, but Mom said I needn't worry that she'd come over to my place with my Dad to be by the kids. Well after having left everything sorted out with regards to meds. and food I came to work. I have since phoned home and Nadine seems much better, gosh I've had my fair share of sick kids!!!
Thursday, 27 March 2008

The day is looking a little grey today, hope the sun comes out soon! Work is going slow this week, which makes the days seem way longer lol. Fortunately I have other occupations to keep me busy hehee....
When u guys have a spare moment check-out this great site and register, it's all about animals but we have general chats too, oh and I'm a moderator so u best behave:))))

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Well hello again, this is starting to look like a Rafa blog but I promise it's not lol!! He spent a much better night and this morning seems much better although he still has a little fever, but he's recovering yay! He is staying together with Nadine at Grandma's again:)
Also going to use this blog to introduce you all to our little bundles of joy that were born on the 9th of March 2008. They are the off-spring of Mimi and Tobias, please delight in the pictures and if anybody would like to adopt a little one do let me far we have owners for 2:) Check the slide show!!!
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
What Mena Means |
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |

Well had a real shity night as I was up most of the time with Rafa. He kept on shivering and then getting hot so u can imagine, not easy on me. He is home today with Grandma (so good to have Mom handy for these occassions)! Nadine naturally decided she would not go to college either and stayed at Gran's too:)
Today we have been told that we might expect some rain drops but as it's spring it should soon pass. Can´t wait for summer, the beach, holidays oh boy!!!
Phoned home after lunch he is still under the weather, but I'm sure I'll have him up and about soon. Get well son Rafa:)
Monday, 24 March 2008
Back to the grind-stone
Sunday, 23 March 2008
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