Well let me start off by saying that it was not a good start to a Friday, but let´s see what develops! Nadine woke me up at 3:00 am telling me her head and tummy were very sore and then proceeded to vomite (at least she tried but nothing came ). I was worried due to the fact that she said her head hurt but on further questioning I gathered it was due to her being feeling ill, she said it felt as if the house was spining!! Well I was preparing for another day at home and called my Mom to tell her the kids would stay home with me and that I'd phone my work to let them know, but Mom said I needn't worry that she'd come over to my place with my Dad to be by the kids. Well after having left everything sorted out with regards to meds. and food I came to work. I have since phoned home and Nadine seems much better, gosh I've had my fair share of sick kids!!!
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