Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Having fun in Lisbon

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We first went to see the new "beach" in Lisbon called Praia do Torel. This is a temporary man made beach which will be up and running till the end of August then it will revert back to being just a little lake Notice also the graffiti work on the walls. Next we went and visited the Mercardo da Ribeira, where little food stalls are now also working. You can chose from the menu or you buy your fish from the market and take it to one of the food stalls and they'll cook it for you. I especially love the original lighting they used. Next we visited Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, where there is a statue as a trubute to Dr. Sousa Martins right in front of the Faculty of Medicine. Notice also all the flowers and plaques that people have left to thank him for cures, especially by the less fortunate. He was also loved and respected by all that worked with him. Next we went off to Jardim de Braancamp... Then it was off for lunch, we had lovely sarmies and Rafa a lekker salad and then we did some walking around Chiado and Rossio, were we did some shopping. ...and lastly we went to Jardim da Estrela, where I had to rest my poor feet, but it was a great day. Lisbon always has so much to see and I always return and find something new. Enjoy! If there are any special places in and around Lisbon that you'd like us to visit and then comment on feel free to tell me :)

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