1. The fruit seller walks up to the car and says:"Peske, Peske. Lekke peskes. Net vyf rand virrie laanie."The guy in the car says: "Is hulle soet?"The fruit seller says: "ja meneer, kyk hoe stil sit hulle!!"
2. Three guys selling snoek on the corner shouts:"Hiers djou snoek"The guy in the car says:"Wat vra julle vir daai snoek?"One guy replies: "Ons vra hulle niks, wil djy hulle iets vra?"
3: Gatiep & Maraai steel 'n snoek, en sien toe 'n Polisie manGatiep se": Sit die snoek onder djou rok!Maraai se " Dit gaan stink Gatiep!"Gatiep se vir Maraai ," Drukkie snoek se nies toe!"
4: Gatiep en Maraai sit innie bus in Cape Town toe die lady op klim "with a face made up to kill" ekse: bloed roei lips, "seven layers of base" en silke "massive eyelashes" dat sy nie ees haar oe kan oep maakie.Daars nie oep seats, so sy skeem sy hang maar aan die leather strap."Hei Gammat," se Gatiep, "kom offer djy nie die lady 'n seat?""Nei," skeem Gammat, "a painting moet mos hang."
5: Every morning when the English teacher came to the Afrikaans students to Give them an English lecture she greeted them as follows; "Good morning class!" and every time only one boy would get up out of the whole class to greet the teacher in return. This happened time and again until she decided to call him up to her desk and ask him loud enough for everyone to hear:"Why is it that every time I greet the whole class, only you stand up togreet me?"He replied to the teacher in English : "It are 'cause I are the only person here what's name are Klaas!"
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